Best place to order shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 30, 2014
I'm considering ordering some freshwater shrimp (Probably Cherry) from some online sources (Has to be online because laws in Maine are weird).

Is there any place anyone can recommend? There are dozens of them out there. Would just plain ol' eBay be okay?

Ordering Shrimp

I'm considering ordering some freshwater shrimp (Probably Cherry) from some online sources (Has to be online because laws in Maine are weird).

Is there any place anyone can recommend? There are dozens of them out there. Would just plain ol' eBay be okay?


Hello ar...

Check out alphaprobreeders. Ron McGee is very helpful.

what about right here on this website. I just bought 25 CRS for $32 including shipping. should be here tomorrow.
what about right here on this website. I just bought 25 CRS for $32 including shipping. should be here tomorrow.

+1. I ordered 20 decent quality RCS for $25 from another AA member. Included 4 berried females. It was more like 26 RCS because of the juvies.
Hansypatty1968 on Aquabid has excellent quality animals, prices and customer service.

On a side note, if you feed your shrimp some antaxanthin powder mixed with water from an eye dropper once or twice weekly they really color up nicely. You can get it at Ken's
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