Best place to pick up lights

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 15, 2004
Colorado USA
I am currently trying to find a bulb for my 46gal. I would like to have aprox. 100 watts for that size, but it seems difficult in my area to find a 36' bulb, not to mention anything above a 30 watt. Anyone know of a good store or website where I might get something like this? has a pretty big selection of bulbs. You may want to upgrade your hood to get to the 100W. I believe (if I remember correctly from my thread regarding upgrading light), you can not ugrade the wattage unless you upgrade the light strip. Therefore, to achieve 100 Watts of light with 36" bulbs, you would need at least a 3 bulb strip light.
Thanks much. I did some searching today and the one petstore that I found can order them/it in for arounf $107, which is a bit cheaper than the sites listed above. But I am getting there slowly. I apperciate all the help.
Haha... I called a LFS and they have a stip that would hold 2 bulbs, that is the max I can find around here... think that will do? Just afraid this is going to be a challenge to find 36' light bulbs in any watt around here....
The All-Glass Triple Strip light is the one that I just bought and it is VERY nice. Mine is a 48" strip, but I'm sure the 36" is just as nice. The lights turn on instantly and it has a built in reflector. The reflector itself is $30 for a 48" strip, therefore it's well worth the price.
tetrin said: sells 1*96 watt kits. i have never used them, but a lot of users have and have recommended them.

Yes... is an awesome vendor. All four of my tanks have Ahsupply lighting and I could not be happier with my selection. The price is right too.
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