Best plants for bluegill

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Jan 2, 2015
What are the best plants to put in a bluegill tank? I about to move my bluegill to a much needed larger tank and would like to put some live plants in with him. Currently there are only fake plants in the tank don't want to buy the wrong plant for the new tank and cause any problems. The tank doesn't get direct natural light and the fish is not the biggest fan of the hood light.

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You can try anacharis elodea. It is a low light plant and bluegills live in it in the wild.

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Thank you!!! I recently purchased that exact plant!!! Have been keeping in a separated tank to keep it alive until it either went into the new tank for the blue gill or the original plan I was going to add it to my ram tank after the sudden ick outbreak cleared up, plant originally bought for ram tank before I noticed ick, but glad to know it can go with the bluegill.

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Thank you!!! I recently purchased that exact plant!!! Have been keeping in a separated tank to keep it alive until it either went into the new tank for the blue gill or the original plan I was going to add it to my ram tank after the sudden ick outbreak cleared up, plant originally bought for ram tank before I noticed ick, but glad to know it can go with the bluegill.

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I've read bluegill can still be notorious for digging up/ ripping up plants. I would keep some growing in the other tank in case he decides he doesn't like the first batch.


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Hornwort is also an option, both it and the anacharis are able to sustain themselves as floating plants even if they uprooted, and both occur in the bluegills native habitat. Additionally, I would consider some duckweed for the top of the plant - it will provide an easy snack for the bluegill as well.
Thank you so much for the advice I will post the new tank after it is set up this weekend !!!

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The local bluegill seem to love the milfoil that has infested our lakes here (in Madison, Wisconsin)

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Just curious can someone confirm this is a common bluegill and not another type of bluegill/ bream/sunfish. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1426721531.245472.jpghe is a it bashful I can post a Better pic later

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The local bluegill seem to love the milfoil that has infested our lakes here (in Madison, Wisconsin)

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Thanks I live in North Carolina not sure that plant is available I may go to pond that he can from and try to harvest some plants but not sure that is a good idea probably just buy from fish stores here

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I had a native ga setup a long time ago, and no plant could survive that tank. If you find one that your fish won't dig up after some time then great but I would probably stick with drift wood or try and mimic the environment the native came from. In my case it was a heavy drift wood area with little to no plants other than patches of lily pads.

Milfoil was an aquarium plant but rapidly infested lakes. It is now banned from selling. It looks similar to wisteria.

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Blugill seem to appreciate jungle val. Yes, that is a common bluegill, appears to be a male. Crypts might work too
Thanks FW!!

On another note the crawfish in the tank with the bluegill escaped last night I guess they really want to get in the bigger tank and the crawfish tried to take it in to his own claws lol

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