Best way to rearrange tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 2, 2010
Boston, MA
So I am looking to rearrange my 29g tank to place a piece of mopani wood (been soaking for ~10 days now), a new flower pot, and plant the new lemon bacopa I bought.

I currently have 3 small amazon swords in the tank (only been in there ~1month, dont believe they are rooted too deep) and 3 plastic plants. The substrate is just basic gravel.

Since I plan on pretty much rearranging everything in the tank, I am worried about stressing out the current fish too much (6 zebra danios and 6 tiger barbs). Would I need to isolate them out of the tank while I work on the tank or would it be fine to leave them in while everything gets moved around?

Also as a side note, I partly like the look of gravel and also sand. I have not seen anything mentioned here yet about mixing substrates and would like to make about 1/3 tank sand and 2/3 gravel (section the bottom). Would there be any reasons why I would not want to do this?
You can keep the fish in there, just go slow and steady. Unless I swap substrates then the fish stay in there. It is more stressful to try and net them all than to just move stuff around.

As far as mixing sand and gravel, if it is layer then the sand will end up on the bottom over time. If you are doing half gravel and half sand then I would expect some mixing where they meet in the middle. I'm sure it would look good for a few days until the flow pushes the sand around or some fish dig it up.
Agreed . I leave all my fish in the tank also when I am rearranging my aquascape . Make your movement slow and deliberate , do not rush it and they will be fine . It may take you longer to do it but it is better on the fish . My fish have got to point to where they like to come over and investigate what I am doing , but if I move my hand too fast they scatter , scared , and they are used to my hand in the tank .
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