Betta Compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 30, 2004
Tully, NY
As a few of you may know I am throwing around ideas for my new 10 gal setup. It wont be planted, will have a sand substrate, and I wanted to stock around my gf's male betta (nice neon blue and red). I was looking into fish that would both compliment the color, i.e. neon tetras, and be compatible with the betta. Already threw out dwarf puffer (to aggressive), and want to stay away from tiger barbs...ANY IDEAS?? Considering neon tetras, dwarf gouramis, etc....
I would stay away from all tetras. I have seen a group of tetras gang up on and attack a betta. Bettas are slower than tetras so one betta is a very tempting target for a group of tetras. Others here have said that they keep their betta with a group of cories or otos. In a 10 gallon tank, you could have 4 or 5 of the cories or otos. These are cute fish and a group of them would be fun to watch.
my bettas have always lived with guppies & mollies without problem--i think the male guppies become a problem if there isn't enough space (like in a 5 or less gal tank), or there aren't any hiding places (caves, rock formations, etc.). however, i have never had any guppy/betta violence in either a 10 gal or 20 gal tank. of course, i also always provide a mirror for my betta's (ahem) enjoyment. ; ) bettas and livebearers tend to thrive at similar (higher) temps & pH, while neons need a _lot_ lower pH to survive (or at least, that's always been my experience). otos also do well with bettas....i have 4. they keep the glass clean, the algae down, and don't try to eat his food (his only real issue with his tankmates, LOL). he pretty much ignores them, unless he's feeling curious--then sidles up next to them & watches them till they freak out & go to a different area of the tank. anyway, lots of nice, bright, vibrant colors with livebearers---mollies & swords, if you don't want to try guppies---and i've never had any problems with fry being eaten by the betta, either (FWIW). i use aquarium salt & "Blackwater Extract" (adds vitamins, etc. to water), and all the fish thrive (not just the mollies & guppies), so you shouldn't have any problems there, either. never kept corys or gouramis, so i can't really comment on that, tho. just make sure to stay away from nippers (i also lust after puffers. sigh. LFS had the cutest dwarf puffers for $1.99 each. almost cried. LOL) and make sure they are in the same pH and temp range (and will all fit after reaching full growth), and you'll do fine.
How about some white clouds? Easy fish to care for, and pretty. Dwarf African Frogs or Ghost Shrimp (don't know how they'll do with the sand though..the frogs like to burrow in rocks).

I would stay away from the gouramis...I have heard them attacking each other (both labyrinth fishes).

Actually shrimp would love the sand, you could easily get 5 shrimp in your 10g.
Other then that, how bout some danios? If you kept a small school, 3 or 5, they would be enough in number to keep the betta from harrasing one of them.
if you get shrimp you need places for the to hide

depending on the bettas disposition he might try to eat them
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