Betta fish doesn't know how to breed?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2020
I have a male and two females bought within the last month and all kept in separate tanks. He saw the females 4 days ago and after 2 days and lots of glimpses of them, he finally made a bubble nest under a little piece of bubble wrap. Once he made it, I released one of the females into the tank and she was interested and displaying vertical stripes. She'd come close to his nest and even nudge his side whilst he flared and waggled his tail and then he'd attempt to bite her and she ran away. This went on for several hours and so I tried with the other female with the same results. I don't know whether it's because he's a rosetail and slow or if he has a gentle temperament, but he doesn't manage to catch the females and after 2 days of this behavior only one of the females has a small rip in her tail (she has been separated) whilst the others are completely intact. I would have separated them if there were signs the fish were stressed but the female in there is still stripy and interested and has a large belly. Meanwhile he seems to have given up chasing now and just focussing on building his bubble nest, which is now about 20 by 12 cm and growing. He doesn't seem to know how to flip her over but is that possible? I used to have bettas a few years ago and they'd breed within an hour or two at most.
As long as there is a safe place for her to hide if he gets too rough, I'd leave them together. I've had pairs take a couple of days before spawning so all may not be lost.
3 things to consider: He may be too young. She may be too large for him. The genetic makeup of the male may be from poorer spawners that had small successes but made nice looking fish.
OK, thanks, it is relieving to hear that. I checked on her just now and she has a little rip on her tail so I've taken her out to have a break. Maybe I'll put her in again this afternoon. She's quite a small female, but I don't know the ages of them.

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