Betta food?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 18, 2011
What should I feed my betta? Right now, he's getting tetramin and omega one flakes, and will soon be getting frozen bloodworms as a treat, but is there any brand of flake food/pellet/other food that he should be eating?
People have suggested that you don't feed bettas flake food; it will cause bloating.

I've seen some suggest Hikari betta pellets, although I don't have them myself.

Because my bettas are in a community tank, I feed them the same food my other fish eat. I have a bunch of freeze-dried foods (brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, bloodworms, tubifex worms) that I soak first, then put in the tank. I used to just feed them the freeze-dried food without soaking them, but I think they bloated the bettas like flake food does, so I took someone's suggestion on these boards to soak freeze-dried food first.

Soaking them also helps them sink for my five banded barbs, who stay in the lower regions of my tank.
dont feed flakes, they will cause bloating

stick with pellets, the ones i use are:

Omega One and NLS betta pellets, i also have NLS thera-a community pellets, also feed bloodworms once a week
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