Betta in 10G

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 7, 2006
I have been thinking about adding a male betta to my tank. Currently I have guppies, mollies, plecos and dwarf platys as well as 2 snails and 2 ghost shrimp. Can anyone who has had a male betta with other fish give me some advice? Thanks in advance
i'm pretty sure you can't put them in with the guppies, i've heard they'll kill them because they resemble other bettas (to the betta anyway)
Bettas and guppies generally do not get along IMO. It's the colorful tails that end up getting nipped. Both the betta and the guppies are at risk. Sometimes bettas will pick on guppies sometimes the other way around. Bettas can make great community fish just not with fish with flowy fins, bright colors or aggressive personalities.
If thats a 10 Gallon tank, you're WAY overstocked! I'd get rid of that Pleco and Mollies. A pleco can get over 18".

However, if you have a dwarf pleco (Clown Pleco, Rubbernose Pleco, Bristlenose Pleco) and are doing religious weekly 50% water changes, then good luck with your tank.
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