Betta Spa?

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God of primitive fishes
Dec 4, 2003
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
OK, its not hardware or equipment, but we have no 'fluids/chemicals' forum. :p

So my question is...has anyone used "Atison's Betta Spa" additive, and how did they find it to be? I have ordered a couple of bottles to give it a try, but am interested in the experience of others as well.
According to the label:

"Contains Wild Almond leaf extract to create a more natural environment for your Betta fish. The leaves contain humic acids and tannins and are known to have antibacterial properties.

The Yucca extract will bind the ammonia in the water and is ideal for use with Bettas in small containers. Contains calcium needed to activate the muscles and to develop strong bones, teeth, and scales. Lowers the pH of the water and absorbs harmful chemicals. Adds essential trace elements to the water.

Ideal for conditioning the Betta and for promoting spawning, activity, and colors."
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