Betta toys

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 1, 2011
Hey, sort of a silly question but, we just picked up our first Betta today and while at the store I saw this thing.... It was basically a suction cup with a leaf that attaches to it. They claim that you attach it towards the top of the tank and that the Betta will lay on it ( sort of like a hammock).

Our Betta does tend to hang out at the top of the tank.... Is it just a silly waste of money or does stuff like this work?
I have an intank filter and the top is about an inch or so below the waterline, my betta likes hanging out on top of it from time to time. They breathe air from the surface, so it saves them a trip to the top is what I figure.
I also just saw someone else post about this. Saying it was a normal betta behavior and then mentioning this toy. So id say good buy!
Hmmm, I might have to give it a shot then. It was cheap too, otherwise I would probably just try to make him something similar.
That is awesome! Our little guy whom my daughter has named "Betta the Best" is in a 10 gallon tank.
LOL I felt bad for my betta in a small tank so hes gonna get a 20g to himself...
alLexX said:
yay,no betta prison:)

My daughter, for like a year, has been going on and on about how she was going to rescue one from the little bowls at the store because "that is so mean!". So wise for a 5 year old!
My daughter, for like a year, has been going on and on about how she was going to rescue one from the little bowls at the store because "that is so mean!". So wise for a 5 year old!
thats awesome
I bought about 6 of the leaf hammocks and found none of my bettas ever use them. What a waste LOL. I think bettas in bowls that are used to have nothing are more likely to use them. My bettas all have live plants which is why I think they weren't interested in the plastic hammock..they'd rather lay on a live leaf :)
You can also get a small hoop and get them to swim through it for a pellet at feeding time you coax them into it with your finger and they get the hint fast I taught my Betta this trick in 3 days now it's easy to tell when he is hungry he does fast circles through the hoop it's pretty cool
That's really neat! I am pretty excited about our little guy. He hid under a leaf all day yesterday but was out more today. I think he may be growing accustomed to his new home!
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