Bicher is turning green?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 24, 2008
Gainesville, FL
Ok, it isn't just my Bichir, but I was able to get a couple good pictures of him. This is almost like a glowing (florescent) green color that I just noticed taking pictures for my thread on lights. It is also on all 5 of my Tiger Barbs. I can't tell with the other fish.

I think the last pictures has the best view... again, this is on at least 1/2 the fish in the tank.
I wish I had an idea, I will bring this up to some other members and see if anyone has any ideas for you.
I appreciate any help. I lost a Tiger Bard last night... he/she turned milky white and then was dead in a couple hours. Don't know if it is related.

At least I tried to get some good picts of what is going on! :)
It is possible it is algae. Do you know your parameters? It may be related. All information on your tank that you can provide would be helpful.
It is a 55g tank, it has been up and running for about 4 months.

I take my water to the store once a week and they always say it is fine. I also have home test kits and everything is where it should be. I have the test tube kits-everything is just a range and a guess anyway, I don't have a digital readout or anything.

I do have some other green algae growing on a rock, so it is always possible. I also have some brown algae, but not a whole lot of it. I do have one pleco. I've tried having other algae eaters (like otto) but the Bichir eats them!
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