Bio-Falls vs. Bio-Wheel

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 8, 2005
Abilene TX
Need help here guys.
I am makeing a 30g heavy planted aquarium that will have a large bio load of small school fish. I am trying to decide what filter will be best. I have never use a bio wheel or falls. but i do know the larger bio load will require better filters. Is the casqade bio falls, any better than penguin or emperor? which is better, pengiun or emperor, im leaning to the 170.
I'm not sure about the cascade filters and their bio-falls, but I do know they do not seem to be a big seller in my area.

You may want to consider somthing other than a powerfilter for your tank as it will be planted. Bio-wheels add more oxygen to the water and remove CO. Consider a canister filter.

I can say if you do go with a powerfilter I'd trust the a pengiun or an emperor over the cascade line of filters but that is me.

Good luck with the new 30G!
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