Bio Spira

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 3, 2004
Santa Barbara
hey guys, once again, has anybody here tried Bio Spria??? i heard about it from somebody on these forums and i want to give it a try, but i want to know if it works. if i could finish the cycle in a week, that would be fricken insane. cuz i already have 27 fish in my 6 gallon tank. (many babies) and i want to start up another tank for all of my fish that will one day have to be moved, but i dont want to subject them to the hard times of cycling the tank. thanks a lot guys
Yes I have used Bio-Spira on a 20 gal and a 29 Gal freshwater tank. The 20 gal finished its cycle in 48hrs and the 29 finished in 72 hrs. Both had been up and running a couple weeks before putting in the Bio stuff and I had put a few fish in them already. The tanks had not previously cycled and I needed to get thru it because I had added fish to early.

I think the stuff is awesome but expensive.
its not expensive on one site i found, its like 8 bucks for a lot. i REALLY need it tho, so ill find it somewhere, maybe through marineland or somethin. thanks guys, im def gonna get it now.
I have used it many times, and wrote an article on it a while back, in the Articles section here. As mentioned, can't get it now, but sometime in Sept. it is supposed to be available again.
EVERYBODY, im looking for some Bio Spira. if anybody has seen it in a local fish store recently. please let me know. i want to work something out with you to get my hands on some. thanks
If you do find any it will likely be "old" and might not be as effective. They have not been restocking this in months.
They have it at my LFS, but I wasn't sure if there was a shelf life on it or not. If there is, then it's probably bad. I know the stuff I bought from them several months ago was good though.

Also, bio-spira is meant to be added when you add your fish. It doesn't work as fast/well if there is already measurable amounts of ammonia in the water.
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