BioSpira on its way- Have one question, please help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 15, 2005
West Virginia
First off I should let it be known that I am a newbie. I just started keeping a 29 gallon with 4 Fancy goldfish one moth ago (two of the goldies are babies that are less than one inch; and the other two are older, between 1.5 and 2 inches in length not counting tail).

It is a long story but I have experienced problems and had to do a couple of massive water changes, therefore my tank is still not cycled. Well, I just heard about Biospira the other day so I ordered it and it will be here today. I just need to know if I can just add it to my tank with my fish in it? or do I have to remove my fish for 24 hours or something like that.? :?
I've never kept goldfish, but since they can get upto 8" and because they are coldwater fish, you're tank is overstocked. If I were you I would get rid of them or else you'll run into problems down the road.

About the bio-spira, I have never used so I can't help you there.
I just read a post on another thread on this board (i can't remember which thread...grrr) where someone reported having read that BioSpira's effectiveness can be reduced by existing ammonia and nitrites in the water. I am not sure why this would be the case. However, if it is true, you might try to do a water change before adding Bio-Spira, and then monitor closely for nitrites and ammonia after you add, so that you can do any additional water changes as you need to.

I hope someone who knows more about this will come along and chime in.
If there is already ammonia in the tank, just add more bio-spira than is recommended for your tank. You can keep your fish in there. What might happen is that you will have a mini-cycle for a few days. Just do partial water changes, add more bio-spira, if you still have any, and you will be fine. It might take a week or so before the ammonia and nitrites gets down to 0. Or, if you have enough bio-spira, it might do it right away. Bio-spira is a great product.
Right - what jersysman said :wink:

It won't work overnight but it will speed things along dramatically and turn a 4-6 week cycle into a 4-7 day cycle. Definitely worth it, IMO. I have used the stuff many times and am impressed.
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