Biowheel stopped for 7 hours. Should I be concerned?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 26, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
OK, I have a well established tank, and except for the darn black hair algae, all is well. :lol: Last night at 2:00 am the power goes out, and this morning I come down to feed the fish, and find the Penguin is not moving. :cry: I did not touch the wheel, but carried the whole thing to the sink and cleaned the slime off the areas around the magnets. Wa La. She fires right up again. I have to go to work, so end of story, or maybe start of story? I don't know how long the bacteria colonies would last, but I assume some would have survived in the filter pad, and if they did die on the wheel, wouldn't they re-stablish pretty quickly?

Should I be concerned/do anything?

Thanks for any of your thoughts! :p
The biowheel is just a feature to allow for some extra bacteria. It's in your filter and substrate. Lots of people don't use biowheels and do just fine. :D
just as a side note. if the electricity is off for an extended period of time, it is best to do things like pull/rinse/replace the media from your filters as there is a good possibility of severe bio die off and then pollution of your tank when the juice comes back on.
Also if you power is off next time,just drop the bio-wheel in the tank that way the bacteria can keep living at least for some time :) I do this whenver I turn the filter off for changing water etc :)
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