black widow tetras are aggressive?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 12, 2003
Ontario, Canada
ok, if a small school of Black widow tetras in a 20gal planted aquarium. Everything Ive read online says that they are relatively peacefull schooling fish. But mine seem to be displaying particularly aggressive behaviour. They charge each other and "flash" (that is, they sort of sideswipe each other right before contact).
Can anyone tell me if this is normal behaviour? There are 8 tetras total.
The other inhabitants in the tank are 4 small algae eaters and 1 male and 3 female dwarf gourami.
I have 4 Black Widow Tetras and they are wonderful fish! Well, that is until it is time to eat. I have noticed when they are charging for the top of the water to eat the flakes, they kinda just nip at everything. But as far as aggresive, I think if you just keep em' feed well, they should be fine. I have mine in with about 14 molly fry and everybody has been doing great now for about 3 weeks.
Good luck, maybe the fish are just a little moody right now :wink:
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