Blood red fins?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 5, 2004
I have two Pangasius Cats that I treated successfully for ich. At one point during the treatment, one of the cats developed some blood red coloring which appeared to be on the inside of his tail fin. He didn't seem injured otherwise but I started treating the tank with MelaFix, too. The color on his tail fin cleared up and I thought he was on the road to recovery. They are still in a QT and this morning I woke up to find both of the cats have blood red coloring in their top fins. Any ideas as to what this is and how I can successfully treat it?
It may be hemorrhaging under the skin. It could be caused by bacteria, or a virus. I woul dbegin treating immediately with a kanamyacin based med.

Does the red coloration appear like blood under the skin, as though the blood vessels ruptured where the red is?
After looking a little more closely, it does appear as if some blood vessels have ruptured.

With treatment, do you know what their chances are?
If it is bacterial and you start treatment right away, chances are good. If it is viral, there is no treatment and if depends on whether-or-not the fish can pull through. My pleco had this problem once--it was bad--his whole ventral side and all fins had signs of hemorrhaging. With TLC and treatment, he pulled through.
Go get a kanamycin based med. I have one called KanaPlex, but this may not be found everywhere. Get a med that can be mixed with food for fastest results (if your fish are eating--mine wasn't, so we treated the QT tank).
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