Blue acara cichlid wont eat

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 9, 2018
Hello all, I recently bought a electric blue acara about a month ago. It is currently in a 40b community grow out tank with a gold severum, red spotted severum, green terror and a firemouth, all juveniles. It was eating flake food and nls pellets fine, then i introduced it to freeze dried brine shrimp and freeze dried tubifex worms. Now it wont eat the flakes or pellets anymore. What do I do to get it back on pellets and flakes??

I feed them 2 times a day, pellets or flakes in the morning before work and again in the evening after work but the freeze dried food varying only twice a week in the evenings. Everything in the tank is eating like pigs but this one guy. What do i do? Thanks in advance
Could be picky. Could be beginning signs of an illness. If it's picky then eventually he'll get hungry enough and eat. Cichlids are generally pigs so I'd watch him closely for illness or constipation. Freeze dried food can cause this.
EB Acara not eating

I am going through this now.. They dance at the surface like they're hungry but are not taking food.. 5 are together.. The tank is a 35 gal. It is too small. I think once in awhile one of them is laying eggs and they are going bad.. I seem to be taking some funky stuff out during water changes.. Stuff that I am not putting in.. They are close 4-5 inches..Very hard to tell sex difference.. I have more exp with Africans.. I actually want to get rid of them; Not like this!!! They really don't look bad yet.. Are not overly rough with each other..2 do go into the provided flower pot.. It's like they haven't read the right books yet LOL!!!!
I am going through this now.. They dance at the surface like they're hungry but are not taking food.. 5 are together.. The tank is a 35 gal. It is too small. I think once in awhile one of them is laying eggs and they are going bad.. I seem to be taking some funky stuff out during water changes.. Stuff that I am not putting in.. They are close 4-5 inches..Very hard to tell sex difference.. I have more exp with Africans.. I actually want to get rid of them; Not like this!!! They really don't look bad yet.. Are not overly rough with each other..2 do go into the provided flower pot.. It's like they haven't read the right books yet LOL!!!!
Are they new fish? If so, you may need to find out what they were being fed prior to you purchasing them. Or you may just need to try several different types of food.
EB Acara not eating

Thank you KF for your quick reply..They are not new.. I had them in a 40 gal with my Angelfish...It was like when you see them feed a KOI pond.. Just crazy; Everbody dancing around demanding food... This [35 gal] became their new home.. It has been a slow sorta I'm not eatin that bloodworms BShrimp mysis.. This stuff I take out during water changes looks like plankton...If I've ever fed them said food; It wasn't much and none for a lease 2 wks.. I've had them for 6 mos.. Put good size on them.????
I think they've been in the 35 about 3 mos now..Has happened gradually I think..They must be nippin at some of it. But I have been sucking out all un eaten like 2 or 3 X a week.. SO ???
A reply to my own reply... I just sucked out what I believe to be a ball or string like deal of eggs.. Un fertile.. this is the stuff i stated looked like plankton... Also some blood worms..They may have ate a few but?????IB

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