Blue Gourami w/Pink Rashes

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 24, 2008
near chicago
I have a 40 gallon tank with 2 gold gouramis, a blue gourami, and a small kissing gourami. My gold gouramis are fine, but the blue gourami always hides in the cave. I also see the kissing gourami "kissing" it. I noticed a light pink rash by the fin on top and a couple small rashes on other parts of his body. I think the blue gourami is te only male fish in the tank. Does my fish have a disease or is this caused by the kissing gourami? If I need to set up another tank, I can't because my dad won't let me set up anymore tanks (I have 3).
about a year ago when i started out with my 30 gallon i had a similar set up to yours. 1 gold gourami 3 blues and 2 powder blues. (all very very small)... but right away i noticed the gold gourami was extremely agressive. nipping and biting everyone... including the pleco... i had 2 fish die of ich... removed the gold.. everyone is a big happy family now (in a larger tank of course)

dont know if your situation is the same or not... but removing the gold worked for me

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