Blue Prawn

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 1, 2013
Any one have any experience with these? I got one the other day (total impulse buy) he's pretty wild looks a lot like a crayfish with out the big claws. Not sure what he is supposed to eat and the guy at my lfs was well not helpful in this department. He has been attacking the alge tabs I drop in. He found a nice little cave in the drift wood and seems to clean the bottom really well. I did on one occasion see him grab one of my smaller cichlids by the tail. Is this to eat him? Or a territory dispute? Btw the cichlid escaped with no harm. Any input would be awesome! Thanks!!

Post a picture? Sounds like a blue crawdad.

I used to have a blue and an orange crawdad. They are very territorial and having a cave that he can claim is good. They will try to go after the fish, but its generally to say stay away from me. As far as I know, they will not try to eat the live fish. And algae wafers are good, mine used to devour them. Also try shrimp pellets and bloodworms.
I will post a pic later when I get home. I know the crawdads the blue the natural and the orange. Ove had them also. He isn't one of those. Much bigger. Higher body similar just different. Lol. He resembles an "eating" shrimp. Lol
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