Blue Ram Cichlid

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 25, 2012
I've had my tank with german blue rams set up for about six months... a 25 gallon tank with two blue rams... about three weeks ago one of them died and I replaced it with three small ones since I cannot find any the size of my medium male...

At any rate my male is pretty aggressive as of me adding these little guys to the tank tonight... do you have any recommendations? he's always been slightly aggressive, but the other male wouldn't back down and it stopped him from acting out... these little guys i'm not sure will do the same...

Pictures on my profile of the fish
StewartLittle said:
I've had my tank with german blue rams set up for about six months... a 25 gallon tank with two blue rams... about three weeks ago one of them died and I replaced it with three small ones since I cannot find any the size of my medium male...

At any rate my male is pretty aggressive as of me adding these little guys to the tank tonight... do you have any recommendations? he's always been slightly aggressive, but the other male wouldn't back down and it stopped him from acting out... these little guys i'm not sure will do the same...

Pictures on my profile of the fish

Whats your question
supposedly rearranging decor is supposed to help so he has to establish a new territory, you could try that

at any rate i would watch them closely
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