Bolivian Ram Gender

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And forgot to mention food.
Flakes 3 times a day
Frozen bloodworms 2 to 3 times a week
Frozen brine shrimp 2 to 3 times a week.

But I only had him for 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.
He was shy the 1st and 2nd day, but now he is all over the place.
IMO the Ram in the 2 pictures is MALE.

Look at the tail fin it has trailers at the top and the bottom.

Like this


Where as females tend to have a straight tail fin with no trailers at the top and the bottom.


Try not to base it on colourings alone.

I see, big difference!
No doubt it's a male.
Thanks again for your help!
+2 male, plus if you lived in the UK that's all you can bloody get is males, searched high and low for a female for my male but no one brings them in as they don't look as good.
Really? I wonder if that's the case in the US also. I am currently in Brazil on a bussiness trip. Maybe I should take a few back with me.
Borderlesscott said:
+2 male, plus if you lived in the UK that's all you can bloody get is males, searched high and low for a female for my male but no one brings them in as they don't look as good.

I must just be lucky.

My LFS have male and females.

Even my local PETSATHOME have males and females.

I have tried 5 different shop in Northern Ireland, all male. I wouldn't buy any fish from pets at home, the last time I visited pets at home 4 of there tanks where infested with the worst ick outbreak I've ever seen and when I told the guy he looked at me like i had two heads and said what's ick, and then tried to sell me a GBR from one of the tanks which was infested as he said its okay for fish that were not showing signs to be sold, could have punched him there and then, idiot!
I could be worse! I am from California and I am currently in Brazil on a bussiness trip. I just came back from the Morumbi shopping mall, one of the most popular and fine malls in Sao Paulo. I saw a per store and I went in. All freshwater fish are kept in 5 gallon tanks, with about 30 small fish in each one. They had NO rams in any tank, a couple od discus that looked like they were ready for the grave, and some angelfish that looked terrible. The water looked really bad in all tanks and the prices! I figured they be cheaper than in the US, well, heck no! everything was 2 to 3 times more expensive, especially tanks and supplies. Now I see that our local lfs is not so bad after all.
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