Bossy Molly

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 6, 2005
Fargo, ND
Is there anything I can do to try to stop my molly from nipping my other fish. I read that you can put them in a small jar at the corner of the tank but that seems a bit cruel to me pluss how exactly would you aerate.. either way im not gonna do that. is there any way to make my fishy be nice x.x
You could try with getting 1 or a few more mollies, putting in another tank or a large enough container by itself for a little while. What always works is bringing it back to the store though (if they'll take it of course). :?
when i had another molly it just bossed that one around too and i cant return it and i really dont want to cause im quite attached to her
I had the same problem, in my wife's 10g she had to beautiful black lyetail mollies. They were each a good 3.5 inches. They didn't allow much more than a school of corys and two flying foxes. They were a little better when I moved them to a 29g community I had set up, but they still liked to nip at my guppies from time to time.
well there is plenty of swimming room. And she is only two inches long counting her tail. she just bullies evvvveeeeeeryone cept my frog
mollies get up to 4+
I have four,Mollies They know their rank in the tank as it were.
They do not nip anything ever, and get along with my tank. They are quick to investigate and touch. They eat everything. no really. They awe swimming stomacs
Yeah my molly is basicly a swimming stomach.. but apparently she wants to be the biggest meanest fishy >.<;
Well I had her in my swordtails breeding net (( put her back in the main tank with plenty of floating plants )) I took her out last night. She seems to be okay.. not nipping as much but she chases around my male swordtail. Should i leave her? Will they figure out their own ranking system sooner or later?
Ritalin or valium might work. No seriously, live breeders can be very aggressive. I’ve lost several fish due to harassment and I have yet to find a good solution. I’ve had three males in a tank with no problems and just take away one male and BAM! Suddenly the other two males are competing for dominance. I’ve had mollies and platys fight. Swordtail males can be really bad. I’ve had a male guppy that drove my molly females nuts; he saw them as really large female guppies. The only real solution I’ve found is large numbers of their own kind or to impose the death penalty. I know that sounds mean, but some fish are just genetically predisposed to being jerks. I’ve traded some trouble fish, but culling overly aggressive fish is no worse that destroying a fish with a genetic physical disorder.
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