Brackish cherry shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 21, 2016
Anybody know if cherry shrimp can live in brackish water? everything else in the tank is fine in brackish from what i've heard
the tank is a 20 gallon that is mostly empty. all it has at the moment is 8 neon tetras, which can live in brackish from what i've heard, 10 cherry shrimp, and some dhg
What specific gravity do you keep it at? Depending on the source, a specific gravity between 1.005-1.010 is considered brackish.
I've been googling neon tetras and brackish water and cannot find one instance that says that this is a good combination. Considering where they are from, that makes sense along with the fact that they are sensitive fish.

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the tank is purely freshwater, but i was considering turning it into a brackish tank because i love crabs, and the only one that would seem to fit perfectly is a fiddler, but i suppose that won/t be happening
The Neon is a blackwater fish. Brazil, forest water, Huminhaltig, soft, no salt! Low electrical conductivity.
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