brackish pleco?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2004
Denver, CO.
I have a 20 gallon brackish tank and I need a pleco to help keep down the algea growth. Is there such a thing as a brackish pleco? I've seen common pleco's in brackish tanks at local fosh stores but I wasn't sure if that is really o.k. to do.
I don't think so. Infact, from what I've been told, you should never put salt into a tank with a pleco (cories and loaches are the same) because their "skin" is different than other fish.

(someone correct me if I am wrong)

I'd say you need to find the root to your algae problem and take preventative steps rather than reactive steps.

BTW, welcome to AA!!! :mrgreen:
Bottom dwellers, such as loaches, plecos and cories are scaleless and the salt in the tank could kill them, especially in a brackish environment.

I'm not aware of any brackish/salt water algae eaters and if there are, I haven't heard of them.
I also don't believe there is such thing as a brackish pleco. I think mollies will eat algae, but I'm not sure. Your best bet may be to find out whats causing the algae problem.
That's the hard part about brackish tanks--no algae eaters :( I have a brackish tank and have a live plant in there. That seems to help. Java fern can tolerate brackish conditions.
I also forgot! Some snails do well in brackish tanks. I have mts in my tank and they are doing great.
snails in brackish? I'd never think of that because I know snails and slugs on land die from salt... then again, that is table salt so I guess it is different
I think the best thing would be to address the cause of the algae. Most likely will be too much or too little light. Another problem would be Phosphates which can be controlled with a phosphate remover.
rubysoho said:
snails in brackish? I'd never think of that because I know snails and slugs on land die from salt... then again, that is table salt so I guess it is different
If there are saltwater snails, why wouldn't there be brackish ones? Or did you not even know there were SW snails? :)
Mollies do eat algae and it is a requirement in their diet.
Nearite snails do fine in BW, granted there are no puffers in there to eat them. Generally, in keeping BW tanks, you have to do your own maid service.
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