Breeding Bettas: a horror story

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Andy Sager

Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 2, 2011
Lake Wales, Florida
For those of you who think breeding Bettas is a piece of cake, here's a reality check for you. I paired up these 2 fish. ( Both have spawned with other partners before.)
Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - Andy Sager's Album: Bettas - Picture

Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - Andy Sager's Album: Bettas - Picture

They were set up in the usual Betta breeding fashion, with places for her to hide should the male get too aggressive, in a nice 5 gal tub. My way of breeding these fish is to keep the female in a glass jar in the breeding tank so that the male can see her, she can see him and it protects the female until the male has made his nest. After a couple of days of being in this set up. the male made his nest, the female was acting the correct way when approached by the male so I introduced her into the tub. Some normal chasing went on and then quieted down but I decided to add a couple more pieces of pipe for her to hide in "just in case" because the male did get a good lick in before she hid. So nothing out of the ordinary has occurred at this point and I went home for the night. I came in the next morning only to find the male, shred to pieces and dead on the bottom of the tub while the female was battered up pretty bad but still alive. I have my doubts that she will make it however because it's now been a few days since she's been recovering and she still hasn't eaten. There's not much more I can do for her at this point but wait for the results.:(

So this IS a reality when breeding these fish. They are unlike most other fish we keep and breed. They are called "FIGHTING FISH" for a reason. So while the above is a bit unusual, this can happen to any Betta at any time. Don't think it can't. :nono: If you are not willing to lose your favorite Betta, I suggest you not try to breed it. :whistle:
They seem to be unpredictable and as you mention they didn't just get the fighting fish name out of the blue.

Sorry to hear that happened, thanks for sharing real stories for the rest of of to learn by. Also hoping she recovers.
This is why I have been so active on Betta threads in the past as there seems to a fantasy about these fish (regarding space, care & compatibility) that is not their reality. Yes, the fish has changed over the decades but they have certain traits that just can't be bred out of them. It makes them a weaker fish if they do. So SOMETIMES you can keep them together and SOMETIMES even females won't get along together but to say " I did it (or am doing it) so you can too" is just not true. It's ALWAYS a risk! Some people are more risk takers than others but if you want a guarantee it will work, there is no such thing. :nono:
A little update on the female, she did try to eat yesterday so there may still be hope. (y) but as for breeding her again, I will only do her with a male I am willing to lose. She's obviously just too aggressive for a frilly, whimpy male. :eek:
Andy's girls will put a whooping on the average wimpy betta. FACT!

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