Breeding different size fish?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
I currently have a 4 inch, male electric yellow cichlid. I really like the fish and i am planning to buy one or two females eletric yellow, the only problem is the only electric yellow around me are small maybe an inch to two inches. I was planning to buy the females and raise them in my 20 gal untill they got bigger. Does anyone know what size the females have to be to breed, and how big you think I should let the female get before letting them breed.
Oh, and you definately want two. Most African cichilds do not pair up as SA cichlids do. If you have two, the male's aggressive behavior and courting will be split between the two, so less stress per individual fish. It may actually be beneficial for them to be smaller, as you can provide them with hiding places that he can't enter in order to escape his attentions when necessary.
Thanks ferret i bought two females today one is around 2 1/2 inches and the other is 1 1/2 inches.

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