Breeding fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 14, 2015
I have a tuxedo platy (male), a swordfish (male), a black Molly (female), if I were to put those 3 together in a separate tank is it possible for the black Molly to have babies?
No, it is not. Platies and sword can breed, and endlers, guppies, and Mollies can breed, although it is pretty rare for the Mollie to breed with them.

yea, platys and swords are in the same family xenofos or something that begins with an x. and mollies and guppies are in politia group. but it is very fare for a mollie/guppy crossbreed. but swordtails and platys will breed more commonly.
Most likely not unless your female molly has previously mated with a male.
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