Breeding Fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 15, 2016
Hello i'm new to this thread. I was wondering how to get breeders to breed faster because my guppy was pregnant for one and a half months and still didn't give birth!:banghead: And I was wondering if it is possible to bread serpae tetras and neon tetras. I was also wondering if my aquarium (10 gallon) looks good and if there is any way I can improve it. Thanks (y)


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Your tank looks nice(y)
I have no experience with tetras, but I have plenty of livebearer fish! I've noticed in my guppy and molly females that they have fry more often when the water temperature is around 78-80F. I also get larger amount of fry dropped in the warmer tanks. Remember that more fish will require more space to swim:)
If a Guppy won't drop her fry, that's usually a sign that she does not feel comfortable in the tank for their survival. Try removing all the other fish except the Guppies then see if she doesn't drop them.
As for the Serpaes and Neons, they are both breedable but they take more effort than Guppies do. Those are egg layers while the guppy is a live bearer. To make things even more difficult, How you breed Serpaes is even different than Neons.
While its not pretty, hornwort could help your fish feel more secure. When I breed my fish, I prefer to dedicate a tank to my pair, but for guppies its not necessary. Ive bred cory cats, congo tetras, and much more but giving them their own tank works best. Work on getting it right with guppies, then move on to danios, slightly easier than tetras but more advanced than guppies, then take a step onto tetras. Neon tetras would be great.:)
Thank you all. I was just wondering if there's anything specific that I have to do to get tetras to start breeding. Thanks again.
Whoops just to clarify, it's hornwort that isn't pretty :lol:. Your tank looks amazing. For quite a few south american fish feeding high quality live or frozen foods 3-2 times a day (in small amounts) can condition them for breeding. Also, doing a large water change using fairly cold water can replicate the rains in their natural habitat
For breeding fish you typically want a species only tank.

Tetras are typically conditioned with plenty of live food and then after they spawn they are moved out to another tank so they don't eat the eggs.

A 10g is pretty small for active swimmers like Tetras. Serpae Tetras can be very nippy and pushy. They do best in large groups of 6 or more so a 20g is what I recommend.

Breeders often use 20Longs as they have good swimming room and can be used on a rack system.

The Serpaes may beat up on your Guppies. I've found them to be quite nasty in smaller tanks.

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