Breeding Gouramis

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 28, 2004
Lebanon, IN
I am considering buying 2 Dwarf Blue Gouramis soon. I would like to try my hand at breeding them. The guy at the LFS didn't know how to tell the difference between the males and females. I was wondering if anyone can help me here.

Females are smaller and mostly colourless. Here is a pic of a wild-type male and female:

NB...if the ones at your LFS do not show an obvious difference, then they are likely all males (most shops don't stock females, except by special order).


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I am planning on breeding Dwarf Gouramis. I talked with the owner of my LFS and he said that his supplier doesn't ship females because there is no demand for them by customers because they aren't as colorful. He is going to ask his supplier to include a few in the next shipment.
Thanks for the advice. I'll see if I can get the people in the LFS to get some females for me.

I'm looking to breed Dwarf Gouramis now too. says on their website that they will send you females if you ask when you order, but I haven't tried this.

When I went to my LFS and asked if they had females they said they would order them for me if I wanted. I bet a lot of places would do this. It pays for them to find you what you need afterall.

I also found females mixed in with the males at PetCo just last week. I was surprised, but they were surely female.
I have 2 honey gouramis who are very ready to mate, but it won't work in my community tank. Too much surface agitation and the water level is too high. Once my White Clouds are big enough to move out of the breeding tank, I'm going to breed my gouramis. I'll keep you guys updated on how I do.
Billsgate said:
I have 2 honey gouramis who are very ready to mate, but it won't work in my community tank. Too much surface agitation and the water level is too high. Once my White Clouds are big enough to move out of the breeding tank, I'm going to breed my gouramis. I'll keep you guys updated on how I do.

That would be awesome!! I'd love to hear how it goes!

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