Breeding guppies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 20, 2012
Tips and tricks on successful guppy breeding...
Never tried before but im think about getting a few. To breed you want 2 females per 1 male. Temp should be fairly high I think 85f not quite sure....I know 78f will work and keep up with water changed
1. Put guppies in tank

2. Feed

It's really easy they just breed lol. If you have lots of plants the fry will hide and then grow up
Yeah guppys are the freshwater equivalent of Rabbits/Mice lol.
Good luck and enjoy the little ones!
keep a ratio of one male to about 3 or 4 females. have hiding places such as plants, decorations, etc. As long as the fry have somewhere to hide they will be fine.

PLEASE dont use a breeding box. People dont realize they are more stressful to the female to have them in there. Let it happen naturally. Trust me. You will have plenty of fry to worry about :)
Directions to breed guppies:

Buy fish tank
Fill with water
Buy male and female guppies
Place into tank
wait 3 weeks
You've got 1000000 guppies
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