Breeding neons in presence of other fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 9, 2008
Breeding neons sounds pretty simple- if you have a separate tank for spawning/fry rearing. But what about in a 30g community tank? How many neons and how heavily planted would a tank have to be in order for any eggs, then fry, to survive? All my tanks are being used.
Depends what is in with them, From what I have read about tetras they will hunt down and eat the eggs. You may get a survivor or two but it is not likely.
It's best to have at least two 10g setups for breeding neons. Males and females should be kept separately and you feed them each high quality foods. Then put some of them together in a 10g tank that has lots of java moss or other cover for the fry. If you notice any eggs then the neons sholud be removed immediately to the other 10g tank.
It's best to have at least two 10g setups for breeding neons. Males and females should be kept separately and you feed them each high quality foods. Then put some of them together in a 10g tank that has lots of java moss or other cover for the fry. If you notice any eggs then the neons sholud be removed immediately to the other 10g tank.
i agree.
good luck. dont think they are too easy to breed..... black water and low ph i think off hand.
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