Hey, I was wondering if a 10g planted tank would be enough to successfully breed OEBTs. I heard CRS breed best in 20g tanks, but I have also heard of people breeding them in 5g tanks. What is an ideal or minimum size to breed these shrimp?
Trail_Mix said:Hey, I was wondering if a 10g planted tank would be enough to successfully breed OEBTs. I heard CRS breed best in 20g tanks, but I have also heard of people breeding them in 5g tanks. What is an ideal or minimum size to breed these shrimp?
Trail_Mix said:Basically I have a 10g long and a 20g long tank I'm trying to set up to breed these shrimp. I was thinking CRS in the 20g and OEBT in the 10g, but I haven't completely made up my mind yet. So do you guys think 10g would be sufficient?