Breeding rams

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 29, 2013
I know someone has a thread on there babies but I don't want to hijack (lol). Ok so does anyone have any information from feeding to growing them. I want to know everything!!!
Where to start.... Well I'm gonna skip the basics (when a mommy mikrogeophagus ramirezi and a daddy mikrogeophagus ramirezi... The basics lol) your going to want to supply a tank with no tank mates that will eat eggs. Second you want you temps up to 82-84 degrees. Soft water with a low ph is usually best. Then if your lucky they will lay eggs on a nice flat surface. They eggs are very sticky and will not fall off this until they about hatch. Parents will eat the eggs the first couple times most likely. Most breeders seperate their eggs once they are fertilized. This is when you need a fry tank. A small tank with a heater and sponge filter and the most important part methelyene blue to prevent molding and about 2-3 days later If your lucky they will hatch and you will get wigglers. These are new born fry with their egg sack attached that can't swim on their own. After another 2-3 days they will be free swimming. This is when you need to have your vinegar eels ready. From here its just like raising any other fish
Do you need to separate the fertile eggs and put them in separate tank? If so I can but I am just curious?
Ok and at what stage would I move them to there parents again
Ok could I raise the babies in a 5 gallon until they are 1-1.5 incechs?
The only way the will work is if your water is acidic, with plenty of hiding places. Otherwise they will become a meal. Is it just your rams in that tank? I understand its easier I feel the same way but it will be difficult.
It is going to just be rams how many do you think I could put in a 20 high
I let my apistos raise the fry but I keep a few rams together so I seperate their eggs. If you want them to breed one pair. If you will take the eggs out then 2 would work IMO
Ok I'll do one pair with acidic water and hiding places so any specifics on what I need to do to besides that to keep them healthy?
Ok I'll do one pair with acidic water and hiding places so any specifics on what I need to do to besides that to keep them healthy?

TCC has more experience with this so he'll let you know, I just know what gets them in the mood and dropping eggs. After that I have no experience as mine have been gobbled up, too many bottom feeders in my tank
Ok should I get omega flakes for cichlids for the pair? And btw I got vinegar eels from you for the babies and already have another culture from them growing!
Omega one flakes are good. I feed mine bloodworms and blackworms on occasion too. I've get a few cultures up since I split my old one (where your culture came from)
Just got mine!!!!

Also I was wondering what the minimum size tank would be for a pair in you opinion because I might want more


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