Brenna ' s fish room basement build

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In reading about breeding bn I read that it wouldn't be good to move the dad and eggs to a different tank. I don't really want to take a trio of bn and move to a 20g with guppies. So do I leave them and what do I do about the rainbows munching on fry?

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What about replacing the rainbows with other small mouthed fish like Neons, Cardinals, Glo-lights, etc? Nothing that, when fully grown, has a mouth big enough to munch a pleco fry. :whistle:
I did think of that. The rainbows have been with me for a few years and are pets really. I like them. I'm wondering if another 40b is in the stars. The L333 40b will have excess guppies perhaps but yeah nothing but small fish.

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I did think of that. The rainbows have been with me for a few years and are pets really. I like them. I'm wondering if another 40b is in the stars. The L333 40b will have excess guppies perhaps but yeah nothing but small fish.

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Okay then, you have to decide which is more important. It's like: If your dog keeps eating your cats, do you get rid of the dog or stop getting more cats or find a way for them not to interact? :rolleyes: :brows::lol: I think it comes to that and moving them is not really betraying them if you give them a nice other place to live. (y) Just sayin' :whistle:;)
Yes I think I will eventually give the bn plecos their own 40b and leave the rainbows in the 55.

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Hi, thanks for trying! I did read the first couple pages but the pics just came up as "attached thumbnails" which did not open! I appreciate your trying though!

I will read this page tonight after work. Cheers, J.
As far as I know there is a ticket out on the pics but they aren't fixed yet.

Made a discovery while feeding the fish today. There is fry in the L333 qt planted tank with the female L333. Could be that when I moved the apongaton bulbs I got a black Moscow fry in there or its more mystery fry like I found in the 55g. The fry looked different so I am leaning towards accidentally transferring a black Moscow but who knows? I got a bunch of plants from various sources in the mail and wasn't well so I threw them all in buckets for a few days with clean water. I didn't dip any of them, just gave a final rinse. Would a peroxide dip have killed fish eggs? On one hand mystery fry is kinda fun but then it really scares me about why I should have dipped the plants.

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Just make a frame or attach stabilizers to the 2x4s so they can't move and you should be fine. Center the tanks and you should be good to go. I make my frames as wide as the block so that the weight of the tanks is on the thick/solid parts of the blocks. Remember not to use pressure treated lumber. White wood and polyurathane to keep it from getting soaked. (y)

Why not use pressure treated timber?
I've used it on all of my tank stands, with either ply or furniture boards for shelves. They've worked forever so far. (Im not doubting your insane amount of experience, I'm just curious, that's all)

Hey thanks! L333 (striped) get 5 or 6 the guy who sold them to me said. I'm going to try to get pics of my albino bn. Big female is quite fat and maybe 4+ inches. Male and smaller female 3 or so inches. I need to do some more research.

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(Info on l333 from a very good source)
From Brazil, para, rio xingu.
22-25c/72-77f, 6.5-7.2ph, lighting not too bright, omnivore with live/frozen food.
Lower level bottom dweller, planted aquarium with rocks/wood.
Egg layer, cave brooder. Non aggressive easy to keep.
80-200 litres 60-100cm tank.
(Info from aqua log 21 Loricariidae all L numbers by Schraml and Schafer)

Ok, I grabbed up the cory eggs. Doing things differently this time around because I keep losing fry. I put one inch of tank water in a specimen container and one drop of methylene blue. I was told don't feed for the first 5 to 7 days after they hatch. I was waiting 2 or 3 and I realized on my own this was too soon. We shall see if this new method works better because out of about 15 hatched fry 2 have made it out of the last batch. I found they did better when I had microworms. I'll get some next Saturday.

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Make sure to have some plants with mild algal growth on, diatoms and aufwuchs. Green hair algae etc. my Cory batches did best with some live substrate/decor pieces.

If I should look on another thread that's fine. Just link the thread. Sometimes I just skim things through. Short attention span. :(

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That's me too! Except where fish are concerned!

Ok so I started getting pics from post 81 onwards!

Just got back from a 3 day trip, this thread has gotten massive! I read through the whole thing, a lot of catching up!

You think you've got it bad! There's like 400 replies and I just got in the door!
This ones long but, somehow it's intriguing!

Corydoras toxins

Ok, post 150! (Bookmark to self)
I'll be back to finish up later!
One of the issues here in the states with pressure treated wood is what they use to pressure treat the wood with. It's not only toxic to the fish if water drips onto it and then into a tank of fish but it is also toxic to we humans. ( I was a big organic gardener for many years when I learned that.) So if you are going to use pressure treated wood, you still need to coat it with a polyurathane or similar to seal in the wood. So if you have to do that anyway, why not just use white wood and avoid the whole issue all together? ;) (y)
Why not use pressure treated timber?
I've used it on all of my tank stands, with either ply or furniture boards for shelves. They've worked forever so far. (Im not doubting your insane amount of experience, I'm just curious, that's all)

(Info on l333 from a very good source)
From Brazil, para, rio xingu.
22-25c/72-77f, 6.5-7.2ph, lighting not too bright, omnivore with live/frozen food.
Lower level bottom dweller, planted aquarium with rocks/wood.
Egg layer, cave brooder. Non aggressive easy to keep.
80-200 litres 60-100cm tank.
(Info from aqua log 21 Loricariidae all L numbers by Schraml and Schafer)

Make sure to have some plants with mild algal growth on, diatoms and aufwuchs. Green hair algae etc. my Cory batches did best with some live substrate/decor pieces.

That's me too! Except where fish are concerned!

Ok so I started getting pics from post 81 onwards!

You think you've got it bad! There's like 400 replies and I just got in the door!
This ones long but, somehow it's intriguing!

Corydoras toxins

Ok, post 150! (Bookmark to self)
I'll be back to finish up later!

This is the study on axillary gland secretions in Corydoras sterbai, correct?
Thanks for all the helpful info. Haven't gotten to read the links yet.

Did find I have cory fry. Not many but a few. There are some in the Finnex refugium and some in a plastic container floating in the tank. I assume they hatched this morning.
I divided up microworms this evening and fed some to the tiny mystery fry that came out of the 55g.

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The female L333 has taken to tube dwelling. This makes me nervous on one hand because usually that's what males do but the front half of this new specimen is way broader and filled out than the other two. So I am really hoping that either way I have 2 sexes.

Cory fry are doing well in my plastic container floating in the tank. Gave them microworms this evening after I changed half the water with main tank water and tried to suction out the unhayched eggs. They were hungry little buggers.

Whatever tiny fry were in the plants I bought are in the refugium of the 55g. Everytime I look I see more which may be because they grew big enough to see finally. I fed them microworms but they tend to stay at the top sp Hikari first bites was my other option. They are clear with big black eyes. Definitely fish fry and not some parasite but still odd.

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What about replacing the rainbows with other small mouthed fish like Neons, Cardinals, Glo-lights, etc? Nothing that, when fully grown, has a mouth big enough to munch a pleco fry. :whistle:

The funny thing about this is that I was reading an article on breeding bristle nose plecos and it specifically talked a out rainbows being ok in the same tank because if they are well fed they won't go after the fry. Ha! I should have written to the author. If the rainbows didn't eat mine then where are they?

Certain people are going on vacation soon. Who knows what I may get up to in the fish room.

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Found this afternoon that I have brand new cory eggs to pull. Getting some motivation and then I'm going to take care of the eggs and do some water changes.

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So last night I pulled some cory eggs and set them up in a plastic tub like I did with the others. So far the ones that hatched are doing well on microworms.

Seeing as I have screwy sleep schedule I went down to the fish room about 1pm to turn the lights on and as I passed the 55g I noticed pleco fry clinging to the glass. I hurried and put the lights on and tried to distract the rainbows with food. I was able to net 1 of the fry out and then found more on the little pump for the refugium. Was not an easy task to catch those. I put a deli container over the pump but because it was suction cupped to the glass I had to be really careful. When that was over I noticed 1 or 2 fry hanging out by dad's tube. I got a clean gallon ice cream bucket out and removed the tube with dad in it. He didn't freak this time and after awhile a few fry wondered out of the tube. I suspected an L333 was fanning bn eggs in another tube (see previous post) so I just took him out in his tube aslo but out him in a different ice cream bucket.

By this time my migraine was raging and I had to take a break.

Earlier I witnesses first hand the rainbows going after the fry so keeping them in the 55g with the rainbows is not an option if I want any fry.

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So I was at a loss over what to do. I have extra 10g tanks but no heaters and ambient temp during the day is 70 degrees and cooler at night, not to mention setting up on the cold floor wouldn't help with the heat issue as I have no extra stand.

Even though my 6 to 8 week qt for the female L333 isn't up I made the choice to put dad and the fry in with her. I thinks it's the safest place. My guppy tanks are getting crowded with fry and I'm hesitant to put plecs with corys. So we shall see if I made a major flub here or if keeping the plecs together with no predators is best.

I really want to set up another 40b for the bristle nose and need to set up another rack for guppies. The most costly part of doing that would be heaters and if I go with sponges the large airpump to run them all.

Oh I forgot to mention that my cat wanted to see what was so interesting in the 40b. She jumped in. Back half of her was soaked and she was clinging to the edge with her nails sp I had trouble getting her to release so I could lift her out. I think she didn't mind the water so much as me yelling at her. Lol

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Ok... here's a thought. Float a 10gl filled abt 1/2 or 2/3 with the fry tank water in the 40b. It'll keep that 10gl at the same temp as it is in the 40. I do this a lot for fry. You get twice the mileage out of your space and heaters. Dual purpose, Brenn.... dual purpose!

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Omg didn't even think of that. Here I'm looking around for plastic shoe boxes etc and realized I used the all.

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