Brenna ' s fish room basement build

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Heat packs are the problem. And I've only ever shipped live snails.

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Ok. I may just check into that. I kinda want to rid myself of the creepy shrimp asap tho. Lol I don't know why I don't like it.

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I can't say for sure about temp.
I wrap the heat pack in a folded paper bag and place on top of bags in box inside insulation.
These packs are made for livestock I believe as they are pictured on pack.
Brook got girls last week with heat pack.
His girls where in box/bag for three days.
They seemed fine!!

Haha,read directions/lable....
Say 100f right on front of package!!
What kind of shrimp is this vile creature? He's brown with a lighter stripe running all the way down his body. I know it's not RCS. I watched it drag a dead shrimp under a moss ball because I didn't get to it quick enough.

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Did the bamboo shrimp kill the other shrimp? I just bough 3 RCS 2 days ago, and one looks identical to that you posted! Lfs doesn't even know what they have...

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Did the bamboo shrimp kill the other shrimp? I just bough 3 RCS 2 days ago, and one looks identical to that you posted! Lfs doesn't even know what they have...

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immpossible, they are filter feeders with no claws...

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I don't think the bamboo shrimp killed the other shrimp but I do think he did something with its body.

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immpossible, they are filter feeders with no claws...

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They are often found on the return of many filters.
I don't think(not a shrimp keeper) that they are to even be considered 'oppurtunistic' feeders.
I think they are picky per say?
Another bad migraine today so Andy Sager if you are reading this I thought of something you said " the fish don't care if you're sick" so I got a very late start. I came down the stairs to the deaf Persian alerting me that her food bowl needed refilling. Lol. I only did one seriosuly dumb thing in the fishroom today. One of my older White worm cultures is going under so I dug through it and a pocket of nice worms. I proceeded to put them in a less turbulent portion of the 40b with the plecos. Totally didn't occur to me that the filter intake was right there. I plopped a good sized portion of worms in the tank and bent down to see if anyone was hungry and watched the worms get sucked up into my canister filter. I'm going to be taking that apart later. Even if no whole worms made it through it will still add a lot of uneccessary muck to the filter.

If anyone remembers I keep talking about this tiny batch of mystery fry. I mean they are so small I saw one struggling with a micro worm. Today i checked all the containers floating in the 29g cory tank and what do I see? A whole mess of tiny fry in the container with eggs I pulled last night. The common denominator here is a plant whose name I can't remember fully, money wort or penny wort. I checked the leaves and sure enough there are amber glubules of eggs on the undersides of some of them. I put a really nice specimen in the 40b with the plecos so I used one of my handy plastic shoe boxes and took it all out. Eggs on those leaves as well. I'm really very curious what these fish turn out to be. I got so many plants in at once thay I can't even remember who sent it. If I can figure that out o cam always ask what fish that person keeps.

In other news there were more albino aeneus eggs!! I pulled them and had to borrow plants from another tank not on qt because I'm running out of plants from the cory tank. This container didn't fit floating in the tank with the other 4 so it's sitting unheated on a rack. At 70 degrees ambient temp I think they will hatch. No new hatches today so I am expecting that tomorrow. All together i have 2 batches of hatched fry and 3 containers of eggs yet. And then two containers of mystery fry. It's kinda cool I'm getting free fry. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth as the saying goes.

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i want it for this specific reason... my ghost shrimps are doing "ok" with the algae but i need MOAR!!!

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Bamboo shrimp are filter feeders. I thought they ate tiny particles out of the water column and not algae.

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they consume algae floating in the water column. its honestly a god-send. "dont look a gift horse in the mouth"

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Well after last night's debacle of finding corys in the canister filter I ended up moving some Containers if eggs onto a rack instead of floating in the tank. There really got to be too ma y containers. I think I had one egg hatch today. It takes longer for the eggs to hatch at cooler temps so there's always hope for tomorrow. Mystery fry have increased now that I figured out what plant to isolate. There is a single fry that looks larger in the orange laser cory tank. I will see about catching it when I do a water change. I intend to do a few of those this evening. (Keep thinking I need to open up all the canisters now)

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its a good idea to check. i find small shrimp in my filter sometimes.

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I changed 50% of the water in the 55g tonight. Last change was last week. This time I also cleaned the canister, a Fluval 306. I found a pleco fry swimming around in the filter. He's a bit under sized for his age compared to the others but he's alive and swimming and that's what matters.
It took me almost 2 hours to do maintenance on this tank. I put root tabs under the plants and vacuumed the substrate and of course had to drain all the water from the canister and the tank over a net on case of fish. It's taking me too long to clean one tank when I have so many others to get to.
Tomorrow's plan is to clean the 40b. I will have to open that canister up because of the white worms that got sucked up and I'm worried pleco fry got sucked in also. I have some fine mesh media bags that I sometimes use over the intakes. Doesn't look nice but helps me to make money by not letting all the fry get sucked up. Money over vanity! It's 3:30 am here and I'm viewing threads here in AA to wind down after finishing with the tank at about 2am. The iron paw ruler of the house just caught a mouse in my bedroom. Of course the full trash bin was knocked over so the mouse could run in and out of it while Gary the cat played with it. No sleep and a mess for me tomorrow morning. Most of my cats came as strays from outside. You don't try to take mice away from them. Instinct kicks in and they get aggressive and the next you know you are chasing a cat everywhere. Fun times in the 115 year old house full of cats.

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Well I noticed few fry on the tank and after breaking a resin shim prying the filter apart because I had nothing else thin enough I have found all my pleco fry. I do dumb things often like not cover the intake etc but I don't usually do the same dumb stuff twice. Lesson learned.

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