Bringing pond inside --2 mo. update

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 6, 2005
Somerville, MA
At the beginning of October I brought my 40 gallon stock tank pond inside for the winter. It moved from a 2nd floor front porch eastern exposure, to an indoor western exposure in front of sliding glass deck doors. I added a heater which is set at 76ºF and I'm very pleased with the results. As expected, the water hyacinth and water lettuce are doing the worst, but the hyacinth is actually getting some new leaves. The other plants (papyrus, taro, water iris, mare's tail) are all growing and adding leaves and the fish (giant danios) seem to have spawned again. I'm very happy to be able to have a year-round pond here in New England.

thats sweet! how did you manage to transport it? how much did you drain it before you moved it? did you net the fish or cup them with a bucket?

Sorry, i just didn't think it was possible to have a pond in a temperate zone. I'm around toronto canada... and i'd LOVE to convice my parents to let me have a small pond!
I have two 19-gallon tubs and a bucket. To move the pond I took out the plants, took out as much water as I could, filling the smaller tub, netted the fish and put them in a bucket of pond water. I didn't try to save the last 10 gallons or so from the pond because it was too dirty. Once the pond tank was empty and washed out I moved it to its new location and transported the water back in a few gallons at a time. Ponds in a temperate zone can also be closed down for the winter by letting the plants go dormant and storing them and putting the fish in a aquarium. I wanted a year-round pond and don't have any space for an aquarium (too many gecko cages).

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