Brown algae + Sick neon tetra(???)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 21, 2015
Tamil Nadu, India.

There is this brown stuff on my aquarium's glass. It is about 3-5 mm in size. It comes off clean when I wipe it. I doubt if it is a brown algae. If it is, I think it is in the early stage and would love to hear it from you guys on how to eradicate it. Also, I noticed these same brown patches but larger in size under the sand up against the glass surface. See the pictures.

Brown pic #1

Brown pic #2

Brown pic #3

I have a neon tetra in my tank. Since I remember, it had always had a tiny white spot on its tail fin. I thought it was a birth thing. Now the tail's tiny portion is missing(very tiny). And there is also thing white spot on its skin. It doesn't look like fungus.


My problem is similar to this guys -->>> LINK/

I couldn't take a clear picture of the neon tetra. But I found this pic on the internet that resembles my neon.


When I google about this some say it is coloumnaris and some say that it is 'neon tetra disease'. Please help me out here!
Looks like brown algae / diatoms to me. Very common, especially in younger tanks. Usually they clear up on their own and are replaced by green algae as tanks mature. As with all algae, controlling it is a balance of light nutrients and cleaning.

As far as your neon, The pictures you have included look like different types of disease, so would be kind of hard to say anything. The pictures in the link you included look like it could be some sort of infection as discussed in the thread. The second picture looks like fairly classic neon tetra disease and the third looks like it could be coloumnaris or some kind of fungal infection.

As per usual, you’ll find we can be much more helpful if you tell us some basic information about tank/inhabitants and water parameters.
Looks like brown algae / diatoms to me. Very common, especially in younger tanks. Usually they clear up on their own and are replaced by green algae as tanks mature. As with all algae, controlling it is a balance of light nutrients and cleaning.

As far as your neon, The pictures you have included look like different types of disease, so would be kind of hard to say anything. The pictures in the link you included look like it could be some sort of infection as discussed in the thread. The second picture looks like fairly classic neon tetra disease and the third looks like it could be coloumnaris or some kind of fungal infection.

As per usual, you’ll find we can be much more helpful if you tell us some basic information about tank/inhabitants and water parameters.

My tank is a 200 litres one. It currently has 3 adult angelfish, 4 cories, that neon tetra, 8 red eye tetras, 2 golden snails, 4 pearl gouramis, 2 blue gouramis. I'll do a test and update on water parameters. But you can assume it to be normal since none of the fish including the supposedly sick neon tetra are showing any signs of illness.

All three pics look like a strain of columnaris IMO...
I would remove and euthanize the neon..
WOah! Is it communicable to other fish? And what's the best way to euthanize IYO? I have never done that. Also, what do you think about that brown spots? Is it brown algae like libertybelle said?
you can assume it to be normal since none of the fish including the supposedly sick neon tetra are showing any signs of illness.

I'm confused. What do you mean none of the fish, including the sick one are showing signs of illness. You mean other than what you've described?

In general these kinds of problems are very often preceded or worsened by water quality issues so I respectfully disagree that we should assume the water parameters are fine. Ensuring good water conditions is the starting point for treating just about anything in aquaria.

All three pics look like a strain of columnaris IMO...I would remove and euthanize the neon..

I'm not sure I agree with that assessment but again, it is quite difficult to say without a picture of OPs fish.

Once you've identified the problem OP can decide if treatment or euthanasia is appropriate and there is a sticky on the subject of euthanasia if needed.
I'm confused. What do you mean none of the fish, including the sick one are showing signs of illness. You mean other than what you've described?

Sorry for the late reply. I tested the water. Ammonia was 0, nitrites 0 and nitrates 40. By none of the fish are showing signs of illness, i meant by their behaviour. They act normal, eat normal and move around normal even the sick neon. It has only the outer signs of infection(?) but its behaviour is normal.

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