Brown algae

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 25, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
I am having a problem with brown algae in one of my tanks. It has been accumulating for about 2 months now, and I've asked at my LFS about it and all they ever say is "Oh dreaded brown algae, almost impossible to get rid of". It is clinging to all my fake plants, decorations, and back panel of the tank, and I may be crazy but I think it's also on some of my fish. Is there a way to get rid of it? The tank gets no sunlight. I have mollies in there along with some other fish, so I keep the temp around 81.
Brown algae....more correctly called diatoms....are fairly common in relatively newly set up aquariums. They also flourish in aquariums with high levels of nitrates and phosphates, frequently present in tanks that have not had regular water changes, gravel vacuuming or where overfeeding has occurred. They also thrive in low-light situations with is probably why you're having problems even without any sunlight striking the tank.

Otocinclus cats will eat diatoms as will other 'algae eaters' like Farlowella and 'Plecostomus' of various types. You don't say which of your aquariums the problem is occurring in and I notice that you have 'Plecs' in both of your larger FW tanks. If it is any consolation...I'm having similar problems in my 26 gallon tank right now and have temporarily added some Otocinclus which are quickly dealing with the problem. My Siamese Algae Eaters don't seem to be the slightest bit interested in the diatoms.
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