Brown Algea going away now it is a light green.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 6, 2005
Illinois USA
Is this a good sign. I have watching the brown algea now going back fast anymore. It has almost stoped. I did notice that a greenish one now is growing and Purple with some hair. Is this a good sign for my tank? Also I notice that the live rock has some blue color to it and some white.
Should I try to clean all the brown off that I can or should I just give it time to keep going away?
the purple and green algae are good. The hair algae is not try and get that under control before it starts running wild. Just let the brown algae stage pass it will clear up.
we need a pic, it is very hard to tell you what you have without. Now is the green hard or soft/slimy algae. If hard then it may be coraline if soft then its going to be a nuiesance algae. white stuff could be dead coraline algae. Again a good pic is needed.
The same thing is happenning to my tank. The coral skeletons i have used to have brown algae on them but just a couple weeks of increased lighting have turned the brown algae into light purple and a few spots of red.

Is the red good?
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