Bubble nests

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 16, 2005
What are they?I hear people say that there betta's are making bubble nests but could someone please tell me what they are so I can see if my betta does this at all.
They are nests which the male betta or gouramis even makes during spawning. When the male is interested in a female betta he begins by constructing a nest of bubbles, saliva and vegetation. Then the female and male spawn and he carries the eggs to the bubble nest where they are safe and they hatch. Male betta will also build bubble nests when they are happy.
Spot on discription from blucat. Also, if you are intending to breed, there are many factors to consider, the least of all being their own breeding tank. And excpect your female to cope quite a beating and provide for this. The fry os siamese fighters are very delicate and require much care
I love my bubble nests! *hugs parrot* they're pretty cool and seem like alot of work on the fish's behalf but he does it whenever my filter isn't working or when the waters stil (he doesn't do it w/ the filter, it disrupts the water too much)
I have one male flame dwarf gourami in with two female gouramis, but ive never seen a bubble nest, i think i have too much surface agitation from my airbubble curtain and my filter.
ok,I get it now.Maybe My tank for him is to small and probably to much surface agitation.I have a 2.5 gallon hex for him with a nano filter[very small hob]that is for a 3-5 gallon tank.Wish he would make one though.
hummm try puting pantyhose on the intake?? and see if that reduces agitation.. my Trafalger makes one and his 9 gallon has 130 gph going..
well the only problem is we cant make our bettas make bubble nests we could only hope, do you have plenty of hiding spots for him t27countryboy, and some plants to hide in....if he is nice and happy and comfortable he will most likely make a bubble nest or you can have a female in a tank next to him happy as well and he should make a huuuuge one(no guarantee) thats what happened when i bought a female, now both my males(on each side of her) make huge nests....they are too kewl!
Has any one bred them? The bubble nest is nice and all, but the actual mating process is awesome! I set up a 45cm(sorry, cant remember gallons!) with no gravel, heater set to a steady 27C, a slow airstone and a heap of floating(obviously) lace fern. Vacumed daily with a length of standard air tubbing. Give it a shot! If you keep everything super clean, and be really careful not to disturb the nest or fish, they should perform (so to speak!)

Oh yeah! My ph was 6.8, Kh 2(not that its all that relevent, but I had the test at the time!)
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