Buffer Quandry.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 7, 2005
ON Canada
I just tested my GH & KH from my treated tapwater.
Both are low.
General Hardness or GH is 2° dGH (for ppm divide by 0.058) corrected.
Carbonate hardness or KH is 3° dKH (for ppm divide by 0.056).
My pH is 7.5.
I have read the normal for freshwater is GH 6-16, and KH is 3-10.

I don't want to change my pH. I just want to prevent a pH crash. So how do I go about doing this?
What is the simplest most effective way of doing this?
Any product suggestions?
KH- ppm/.056; GH- ppm/.058 close though..
for a buffering for PH stability a KH of 3 is all that is needed.. you should be fine as long As you do your weekly water changes you should be fine...
Ditto the above - I think the main thing will be keeping up with water changes and preventing debris from building up, which acdifies the tank over time.
Thanks for pointing me to this article! Terrific. :)
If I have any more questions about puffering I will post them here.
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