Bullfrog Tadpoles/Fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 17, 2004
Niagara falls, USA
I recently had to "adopt" a pair of bullfrog tadpoles, due to lack of supervision and care by a friend of mine, n e ways i have them in amy 55 with 3 small sunset gouramis. They are too small (1.5'') to kill or even hurt anything and they are timid anyways. I just wanted to know if anyone had any advice to care for them until they sprout legs and such and i can either set up a terrarium or sel em'
OK most likely you won't be able to sell them. Bull frogs are common in a lot of states and most people would rather catch their own frog then pay for one. Tadpoles are pretty hard to care for though. Especially Bulls, they will need a pH of 7-7.2, temp. of 60-75, lighting of day only. If I were you I would set them up their own tank instead of placing them with your gouramis. A 10 gallon can be purchased and you can use it to raise them when they get their legs too, when they get older though a large tank will have to be purchased. Also there are many sites online of how to care for bull frogs, so just put in a search and get the exact amount of care they need. Hope they do ok!
i had very good success with my tadpols they even got along very well with my african frog. Until the cover fell off my filter inlet and sucked every single one of them in. :cry:
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