Bullied molly

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 14, 2014
I woke up today and my sailfin ballon molly was missing a chunk of his side fin. I put him in a hob breeding tank so he isn't bullied further. I think the culprit was another molly because the two males are constantly quarreling over females. Strangely it was the alpha who sustained the injury. How should i proceed to make sure he makes a full recovery? Other inhabitants are guppies, platies, a dwarf gourami, diamond tetras, and some bottom feeders. Ammonia and nitrite are zero, nitrate less than ten ppm,
Help please he is upside down now and i don't know if he will make it!
Did he make it? I lost my black molly today as by breeding trap fell into him and crushed him, I had to euthanise him as he wouldn't make it anyway. I spotted him when my gourami started nibbling on his crushing body... It's so sad when a pet dies. :(
Your Molly

Hello gutt...

What kind of plants do you have on the surface of the tank? I keep larger, planted tanks of livebearing fish and the surface is covered with several inches of floating plants like Hornwort, Anacharis (Common water weed) and Pennywort. There are so many hiding places, that bullies have no way of finding the more timid fish because they'd lose them in the floating jungle.

Mollies are comfortable in tanks with a heavily planted surface. There's only one problem, you have to use low light plants on the bottom of the tank like Anubias and Java fern.

Get the surface well planted and the bullies won't be able to locate another fish to bother.


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