Bumble bee goby help !

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 8, 2011
Hi I've just purchased 8 bumble bee goby's the woman I bought them off says the eat bloodworm live and frozen however where I stay it's hard to even find the frozen worms can someone give me advice please ie will they eat the jelly form of bloodworm ? and can I eventually get them to eat flake food ?

Usually there are frozen fish foods at most pet stores.
I have a species tank of bumblebee gobies and they really do eat live and frozen food the most. I'd try them on a variety of foods and just see what they go for, they might surprise you. You can try to make them eat flake food, if they're starving they'll eat it but it isn't the best for them. Also do you have them in a brackish or freshwater tank?
ive been looking for BBGs every where but no luck. i hope you have them in brackish water. there is a freshwater BBG but usually the ones in pet stores are brackish
good luck, BBG hardy eat anything beside live food.

picky eat, i feed my all kinda fish food out there, they only go for live.

they will pick on the food and just pop it back out of their mouth.
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