Butterflyfish compatible?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 28, 2011
I certainly want everyone in my tank to get along and be healthy. My local pet store can get any fish I want, but unfortunately their advice sucks...

I have a 55 gal freshwater.

3 Angelfish (full grown)
5 Silver Hatchetfish
1 Feeder Guppy that grew and earned his place
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 African Knife Fish
4 Glass Catfish

I figure I have 4-5 more inches (allowing everyone room for growth) and would like to add one more fish. My question is... Would a African Butterflyfish Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: African Butterflyfish get along in my tank? If not, what other fish would work? It has to be something fine being alone, that will leave the other fish alone but not let them bully him, and neat looking. Thanks for any help.
I suggest 2 more glass cats instead. Butterfly fish like live crickets and a heavy heavy water current. I believe at least. So I'd say increase your glass cat school, because they thrive and are happy in schools of 6.
Agreed! You can't have too many glass cats! I have 5 and they love to school!
Rosenweiss said:
Agreed! You can't have too many glass cats! I have 5 and they love to school!

:) how they doing btw?
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