Buying Fish Online

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The $79.99 flame angel from liveaquaria is "TANK RASED" Liveaquaria also has 'regular' flame angels for like $38.99 but they are out of stock on them. Whats the difference you ask?

Well 'tank rased' imply that they are either taken from the wild when they are very young and then rased in the tank until they are ready for sale or they are acutally rased in the aquarim from eggs.

The 'regular' fish are much cheaper because its much easier to simply catch them from the ocean and import them at a size where they are ready to sell.

That helps explain why the price difference of $50.

Which is better? Well tank rased is usually better than 'wild caught' simply becaue the survivability rates are usually much better. Regretfully in this case the tank rased are much more costly.
I like They have IMO better deals, I my fish all arrived a live a very healthy. All the fish I ordered where in GREAT quality. If you order over $175 the shipping is free. And there customer service goes out of there way to special order fish for you. I won't shop online anywhere else.
I had a friend that ordered fish from and he was pretty happy with them. On of the fish died but he got reimbursed with no hassle, plus they have a 10 day live gaurantee. Check out Jeffs eoxit fish too!
Thanks josh! :) Josh is right i ordered from and was completly happy with the service and product. They stick behind their gaurentee, The tang that had ich actually died after the 10 days but i did call and tell them of the problem. When the tang died they reinbursed me with no problem even after the gaurantee was past.
we ordered from and the 6 lined wrasse died and they reinbursed us with no questions asked.the other fish we ordered are in very good health and lively.
i have never had any problems with and have ordered from them several times.
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