Buying online

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 3, 2014
Canonsburg, PA
Could you guys give a good supplier for Africans if I just want to buy 3-4? Looking to finalize my tank and I want some different fish than my lfs stocks.

Thank you!

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Don't know about complete stocking but online- dr fosters and smith - is good site for online. they had beautiful koi when stocking outside pond years ago only site I have boughten from otherwise it's local aquatic stores
Cichlid express and live fish direct both excellent
Yeah, I just did some research.... I would be paying more for shipping and handling then I would for the fish. I guess the lfs it is. Just found one that is about an hour away that I haven't been to yet. Gonna check it out tonight!
Cichlid express and live fish direct both excellent

I looked at the stock from live fish direct and really liked a few that they had, just can't justify paying that much for s&h for just 3-4 fish. Thanks to both of you though!
Thanks all! Like I said, went to a new lfs that isn't to local last night. They had some different Africans that I liked so I just bought from them. For future reference though, anytime I start a new tank I will be buying all fish online!
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