Calgary Aquarium Society Updates

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ok, Calgarians...

I'm thinking about coming to Calgary for the auction and would need a fairly inexpensive ($70-100) hotel that's close to the auction. Suggestions?

Also, I'm planning on visiting;
- Gold's
- Riverfront
- Pisces
- Tanks Alot
- Chum's

Anything I've missed? How would you prioritize the ones I've listed (we may not have time to do them all)?


edit: Toirtis, just saw your store info in the other thread...
Sara said:
Ok, Calgarians...

I'm thinking about coming to Calgary for the auction and would need a fairly inexpensive ($70-100) hotel that's close to the auction. Suggestions?

How close? Walking distance, or like a 5 minute drive? 'Motel Village', a collection of 12 or so motels on the Trans Canada is just up the hill from the auction, and most of the motels are under $100/night:

Also, I'm planning on visiting;
- Gold's
- Riverfront
- Pisces
- Tanks Alot
- Chum's

Anything I've missed? How would you prioritize the ones I've listed (we may not have time to do them all)?

Those are the best...if I had to prioritise, I would actually go with the order you put them in.

Fortunately, Riverfront, Pisces and Chums are all quite close together (one would leave Riverfront, head north on Edmonton Trail, about 10 blocks along is Chums, then headed North on Edmonton Trail again, about 36 blocks (sounds like a lot, but you can drive it in under 8 minutes) north is Pisces.

And, if you hit Gold's first, outside of rush hour, it takes about 10-12 minutes to go from Gold's to Riverfront along Memorial drive. If you start at Gol'd at 10am, you could be done all but Tanks Alot by 1pm.

Whereabouts are you coming in from?
So did the CAS meetings get moved to Sunday? Or am I reading the CALquarium wrong?

Wow, thanks for all the info, Toirtis. We'll be driving in from Edmonton, so that Motel Village sounds perfect. Depending on what time we manage to set out for Calgary, I'm hoping to hit Gold first, and then the other three all on Saturday...we'll see how it goes!
Hey Blaine, you are going to have to wait a bit longer for that secretary gig :biglol: YET another change in plans! If it goes the way I think it will, we will be here for the longest day of the year.
That day will be even longer for me Christian.. At my current rate I will be missing the big auction. Everyone let me know all the exciting details so that I feel like I was there..

Trevor lines up speakers for each meeting. Mostly by asking board members, but he is trying to get outside speakers too.
CAS Meeting Tuesday!

March 22, 2005
Time: 7:30pm sharp!
Place: Crescent Heights Community Association
1101 - 2nd St NW, Calgary, AB
Highlights Mini Auction & Raffle
Jar Show
Program: Exporting Lake Malawi Cichlids by Kyle Rollefstad

Jar show categories: Goldfish and Koi - Rift Valley Cichlids (Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi) - Fresh Water Animals (No Native or Restricted Species)
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