Caliban's 46G Dirted Bowfront Evolved

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My new new new scape.

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When the would sinks it will be placed in the gap. Should look nice. At the moment the fish are enjoying swimming under it.

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Caliban's Dirted 46 Bowfront

I think the DW looks pretty cool floating around like that.

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Yeah I agree thanks. The Anubias on the underside of the wood are the darkest green I have seen on any Anubias I have owned before, having said that the tubes area a different wavelength to the T5's. Either way, they are managing just fine on the underside of the wood and are probably only picking up bits of reflected light. It gives the fish a bit of security too.

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Yes that's exactly what it's like. Just put the reflectors back on the T8's. The light looked a little stingy.

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Pics of where I'm up to at the moment. I don't plan to touch this now for a while. Hoping it will grow in without the algae.

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Looking good! Was wondering if you are going low tech or high tech on this one?

Thanks! It's low light but still dosing and injecting. My ph remains solid now. Maybe drops a couple of points at the height of injection but I have a lot of surface agitation too. Gonna see how the plants do. I only added those swords on the right and the vals behind the wood recently and did away with a piece of driftwood that was too big really. The co2 bubbles are coming out more slowly so they get taken around the tank for a couple of trips before they reach the surface. Not sure if this means more efficient co2 delivery/saturation or not but the leaves seen to collect co2 bubbles and the misting is not as intense which makes the tank easier to look at.

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Thanks! It's low light but still dosing and injecting. My ph remains solid now. Maybe drops a couple of points at the height of injection but I have a lot of surface agitation too. Gonna see how the plants do. I only added those swords on the right and the vals behind the wood recently and did away with a piece of driftwood that was too big really. The co2 bubbles are coming out more slowly so they get taken around the tank for a couple of trips before they reach the surface. Not sure if this means more efficient co2 delivery/saturation or not but the leaves seen to collect co2 bubbles and the misting is not as intense which makes the tank easier to look at.

I'm not sure if you've changed your lights but if you still got the Juwel T5HO then we're medium light when it comes to par and kelvin. Also, if you change the day + nature bulbs to just two Day bulbs you'd be med/high light. I read a thread about that on ukaps where a guy got 2X Day bulbs and was growing high light plants.
I'm not sure if you've changed your lights but if you still got the Juwel T5HO then we're medium light when it comes to par and kelvin. Also, if you change the day + nature bulbs to just two Day bulbs you'd be med/high light. I read a thread about that on ukaps where a guy got 2X Day bulbs and was growing high light plants.

Thanks. I put the t8 fixture back on. Plants seem pretty ok with that. So long as I keep co2 and ferts going in all should be well. That sword in the left corner is growing so fast but a couple of leaves now have access to atmospheric co2. The fact that these leaves have adapted so well to being emersed leads me to believe this plant was grown emersed. The new leaves are totally different and lack the thick waxy layer of the older leaves. They say that submerged plants put out thinner leaves to allow better and easier gas transfer.

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Very nice. I've heard of swords growing out of the tank. Tanks looks healthy. I scrolled back to November for a comparison; I like the current layout of plants and hardscape. The floating DW was cool while it lasted.

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It looks really nice!


Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
I liked the floating driftwood as well. I've wondered if it would be possible to hang some off the centre strut of a tank. Maybe just below the water line.
Very nice. I've heard of swords growing out of the tank. Tanks looks healthy. I scrolled back to November for a comparison; I like the current layout of plants and hardscape. The floating DW was cool while it lasted.

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Thanks. I'm fairly happy with it now. Trying the PPS-Pro method of dosing although I'm still waiting on the potassium sulphate to arrive.

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I liked the floating driftwood as well. I've wondered if it would be possible to hang some off the centre strut of a tank. Maybe just below the water line.

Maybe a screw through the centre strut in to a piece of wood?

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A few more pictures of the plants.

Lagenandra and crypts. The lag is showing a lovely ruby colouration that can't be conveyed through this picture. I think this is my favourite plant.

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The sword with older leaves and the new leaves. Also showing a heater burn on one of the leaves in the third snap.

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Anubias on the wood.

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Ludwigia repens tops I salvaged from the older setup. It's nice to have these grow fairly slowly. Still colouring up nicely. At this stage I'm inclined to think it's the ferts that are enabling the plants to exhibit stronger colours.

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